I know its late but its been a busy spring and summer. Here are the snaps from my fairy garden this year.
Sadly all of my roses died from a cold frost we had this spring out of nowhere. But I have a few little seedlings from the mothers and maybe they will bloom next year.
I had the most adorable little baby bunny visitor that I named "Honey Bunny" he loved eating my flowers and didn't have the heart to tell him no.
This is a running post, so I will add more as the season goes. I have some gourds just popping up-can't wait to see which ones I end up with.
🌷🌸🌷🌸 ~Tammy 🌷🌸🌷🌸
Honey Bunny, he chewed my pink dandelions up or we would have those. Maybe next spring!
Poppies on the River
Butter cream marigolds
My wild daisy bush. These have been growing on the property wild and I moved them into their own corner of my garden.
Pink Lavender... but when the sun bleaches her she turns more of a white
These were new, Blue African Daisies. The blooms wilt in a day or two but they keep coming up. The centers are gorgeous!
Safflowers, I don't think I will grow these again... they are too prickly for me
More sunflowers. Starting off with a beautiful "Lemon Strawberry" I have been trying to get this group of sunflowers to grow again for three years. Finally! They are so pretty...
Giant Gold
Pink Yarrow
Giant Fuzzy Teddy Bear Sunflower. I had been wondering if any of these seeds made it. But you never know until they finally bloom
Its late in the season and there are very few things newly blooming, except for these New England Asters! The bees are having a ball
Pretty happy to see these, the bush is almost 6 ft tall now. It took about 4 years to get this finally established from a little seed!
Spot the goose...
Scottish Thistle
Scottish Thistle
The end of the season is here. I have a few gourds still growing, sad to see the cold weather come!
Gourd Blossoms
Another beautiful french marigold
What looks like may be the last butterfly.. he was so gorgeous. The pink zinnias are on their last blooms.
Cinnamon Dust Sunflowers last blooms for the canaries
Bottle Gourd Blossom...
Last of the White Polar Bear Snow Zinnia helping the honey bees get ready for winter..Gourds!
Miniature baby gourds..
4 O'Clocks
White Yarrow
More to come.. maybe, its getting close to the end if you have been keeping up! xoxo
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