Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Fable of the Golden Needle

 The Fable of the Golden Needle

By Fairywillow

Once there was a Seamstress who could sew the most magical garments. She would sew night and day. All of her talents were due to a beautiful shiny golden sewing needle. It would sparkle and glisten. The golden needle would spin like music and pierce the toughest of leathers and the softest of wool.

One day while sewing a handsome Fox jumped from the tall grass where he’d been watching her sew. He asked if she would please sew him a new coat, but that he had nothing in exchange to give.

The Seamstress said, “You are a lovely Fox indeed. Surely I will fashion you a new coat even better than the old. If you promise me one thing. You must have a heart of gold, and only if you share the love from it will my needle sew. But if your hearts intentions are not of pure gold, then my needle will tarnish and lose its magic forever. Do you accept this deal?”

The Fox gazed with his keen eyes upon his rough and tumble fur that had seen many battles in the thickets of the forest. He said “I agree to your deal, so long as freely you offer the writing of your name across the heart of my coat in silver thread. So that anyone who may look upon the new coat will rejoice the honor you have bestowed.”

Feeling the true love of the Fox’s golden heart, the golden needle began to glow white hot and shine more than ever. It would sew day and night for week upon week. The seamstress had never seen her golden needle sew so diligently.

It was so cold and dark at the edge of winter and the Fox began to grow cold and worried that his coat would not be ready in time to protect him from the cold. And so the Seamstress also began to worry and whispered to her golden needle to please hurry. And her needle did sew faster and faster.

When suddenly “SNAP!”

Just as the coat was complete, it had broken just as it had finished sewing the Seamstresses name across the Fox’s heart, upon his coat.

So sad for losing her precious needle, and also happy the coat was finally complete, the Seamstress held her heart and fell over sinking into the silver threads of the Fox’s new coat.

From then on the Fox was so honored for what the Seamstress had done for him, he shared her name written in silver and showed everyone that would cross his path through to eternity. Not only was the Fox warm in winter, but he kept his heart of gold which was never lonely with the Seamstress in his heart.

This was written all because of thanks to a beautiful golden needle.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Fairy Garden Photos for 2024 🌷🌸🌷

Lets begin the yearly running post of Fairy Garden photos. These are what have bloomed so far...

 Pink Yarrow


This bunny is smaller than she seems, I named her Punkin because she made her home
in the pumpkin patch... in the strawberries. She has an orange patch on her head

Pink Milkweed for the butterflies, they smell just like sweet sugar vanilla mmm

orange milkweed

Hot pink yarrow

Bread Poppies

Showy Pink Milkweed, truly heavenly scent similar to cotton candy

Pink Poppies ...these seeds will be great on muffins ! Cant wait

Fresh Chamomile for tea

Chamomile flower closeup

Another great crinkly poppy. If you do not know, they only bloom for one day and you only have that one chance. They bloom.. the leaves fall into the wind

Powder Pink Lavender.. so happy I caught the bumble bee, she was super fast

Raspberries for jam cookies to go with the Chamomile tea :O)

Oh my, do we have pumpkins... lots, almost enough to make a Cinderella carriage! There are almost 200, no way to photograph them all.

Straggling strawberries.. most are in the freezer waiting to become jam...
Peach tomatoes, waiting to become mock peach pie :O)

The first of the Lime Queen Zinnias!

Two little butterflies enjoying the Lavender

Hot Pink Zinnia

 My little deer friend.. as long as she stays away from the garden :O)

Pink Paradise Morning Glory

Cherry Impatens blossoms... collecting for a nice flower jam

Pink Rose Hibiscus, I grew her from a seed three years ago... this is her first bloom
Giant White Cherry Hibiscus

Pumpkin Blossom

An interesting random Zinnia variety. I have no idea how this got into my seeds, possibly from my mom in Kentucky.. but its pretty 

Some White Moth caterpillars munching down the butterfly bush... the one that tastes like cotton candy
they must be in heaven :O)
Really excited to see my teacup sunflowers coming up. I have been trying to breed the smallest sunflower. I have had some half this size, but these have survived.
 Golden centered sunflower

Beautiful Sunset Bloom
Wedding Cosmos that I snagged from a local farm that hosts weddings.. This is a huge giant variety

Another great Pink Paradise Morning Glory

More great sunflowers..

And so excited to finally see REAL Monarch Butterflies in the garden. It seems I have had every other butterfly but the ones we want to save. And here they are .. all over the butterfly bush. Apparently they prefer the vanilla scented one over cotton candy. Good to know!

It looks like we are nearing the end of the garden this year.. here are a few shots that may be the last.
The butterflies and canaries are super happy... so are the fairies 

to be continued.... maybe :O)